Monday, July 30, 2012

La Catrina - Not Your Usual Luchadora

Every now and then I run across a luchadora that breaks all the stereotypes you usually see associated with female wrestlers.
La Catrina is one of those ladies.

This luchadora was born in 1954 (yes she's 58) and is a grandmother of seven.
She was trained by La Vida and Super Pinocho and made her lucha libre debut in 1983.
So yes... she is 58 and has been wrestling for 29 years.
La Catrina was a victim of domestic violence (she had an ex-husband who used to hit her) so she took up wrestling to learn to defend herself.
She is now happily married to a luchador.

And no one has made a movie about this woman yet?

Sunday, July 15, 2012

AAA World Mixed Tag Team Championship

La Sociedad (Alan Stone and Jennifer Blake)

In the WWE and usually in TNA, when they have a mixed tag team match it's pretty much a joke.
Women start out wrestling women, tag is made, guys come in, usually at some point the bad guy will refuse to tag and threaten helpless female (who is trained in wrestling and usually martial arts and could actually put up a good fight but when faced with a superior "man" she just melts into a puddle).
But in Asistencia Asesoría y Administración (AAA) they have a mixed tag team championship that has been around since 2003, the AAA World Mixed Tag Team Championship (or Parejas Mixtas AAA).

The first champions were the then husband and wife team of Electroshock and Lady Apache, who beat Gran Apache and Faby Apache, El Brazo and Martha Villalobos and Chessman and Tiffany in an elimination match on June 15th, 2003 in Naucalpan, México at Triplemanía XI.
They held the belts for 222 days until losing them to Chessman and Tiffany on September 16th, 2003 in San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, Mexico at a AAA Television Taping.
They in turn lost the belts to Faby Apache and Gran Apache who held them for 556 until losing the belts because Fabi no-showed a title defense.
Then in another tournament, the brother/sister team of El Oriental and Cynthia Moreno won the belts and went on to become the longest title holders at 1,136 days (combined).
The current champions are La Sociedad (Alan Stone and Jennifer Blake).

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Lady Afrodita - Luchadoras

Lady Afrodita - Luchadoras

This is masked luchadora Afrodita (Lady Aphrodite).
I dont know a lot about her other than she was born in Puebla, Puebla, Mexico, she was trained by luchadors Franco Colombo and Archangel and she has wrestled for the World Wrestling Council (WWC) in Puerto Rico.
She made her debut in CMLL in May of 2012.
Before that, she did some wrestling in Japan as well as Mexico.

Lady Afrodita - Luchadoras

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