Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sexy Star - Triple AAA to CMLL?

Sexy Star (Dulce Maria García Rivas) is one of the most popular Mexican female wrestlers, not only in Mexico, but probably the world.
And despite what the WWE thinks, she is hot!
In Asistencia Asesoría y Administración she has held the AAA Reina de Reinas Championship twice and in Federacion Internacional de Lucha Libre she has held the FILL Mixed Tag Team Championship (with Humberto Garza, Jr.) and the FILL Women's Championship.

female mexican wrestlers, lucha libre wrestling, womens wrestling

Oddly enough, on February 19th, 2013, Sexy Star relinquished the AAA Reina de Reinas Championship.
Although it has been said that there was no reason given, rumors have said that it's because she was unhappy with the way things are going in AAA.
So does that mean we may see her jump ship to CMLL?

female wrestling, female mexican wrestling, luchadora

We found out later it was because she was pregnant.

1 comment:

  1. No entiendo ola bandera gay con sexy star ya que ella esta casada con un boxeador..
    Es incongruente pero en fin.
